The PRIMARY tools used to respond to oil spills are mechanical containment, recovery, and cleanup equipment. Such equipment includes a variety of booms, barriers, and skimmers, as well as natural and synthetic sorbent materials.
A key to effectively combating spilled oil is careful selection and proper use of the equipment and materials most suited to the type of oil and the conditions at the spill site. Most spill response equipment and materials are greatly affected by such factors as conditions at sea, water currents, and wind. Damage to spill-contaminated shorelines and dangers to other threatened areas can be reduced by timely and proper use of containment and recovery equipment.
Tiger Tanks Trinidad Unlimited has a stock of oil spill response equipment available for deployment 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. Listed below is current stock equipment.
24-hours a day, 7-days a week Deployment
- Sorbent Boom 5″ x 10′
- Sorbent Pads
- Sorbent Socks
- Spill Kits
- Peat Moss
- Containment Boom
- Rope Mop Skimmer
- Pressure Washers
- Disposal Bags
- Spark Resistant Tools
- Pumps
- Vacuum Systems
- Tank Wagons
- Handheld Gas Monitors
- Temporary Storage